Vine and Branches Counseling Young Woman
Vine and Branches Counseling EMDR

Gentry Turk, MA, LMHC, SUDP

Genrty Turk, MA, LMHC

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a somatic therapeutic intervention that can be used in support of talk therapy or as a solo therapeutic modality. EMDR was first researched and studied for survivors of sexual abuse and soldiers struggling with PTSD. Over the years, EMDR has developed in it’s many uses and has been found helpful to support several presenting mental health concerns including anxiety and depression. EMDR allows your brain to make connections that can at times be limited with talk therapy alone. Clients who have struggled to address their trauma in talk therapy or resonate with feeling trauma within their body might be interested in pursuing EMDR as a part of their healing journey. 

EMDR encompasses eight phases of treatment. Sessions expand over a few or multiple sessions depending upon the client’s purpose and intended goals for therapy. 

Phase 1 – History Taking

Phase 2 – Establishing Grounding Techniques

Phase 3-6 – Memory Reprocessing and Instilling Positive Memory Outcomes

Phase 7 – Session Closure and Assigning Use of Grounding Techniques 

Phase 8 – Recap Client Progress and Resuming EMDR Treatment 

*For those interested in learning more about trauma and EMDR therapy might considering reading the following books:

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro

Click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of this link to read more about the phases and treatment of EMDR. 


Jordan Zollinger, MA, LMHCA

Jordan Zollinger, MA, LMHCA