Sports Counseling

Vine and Branches Counseling Runners

Jenna Evans, MA, LMHCA

Jenna Evans, MA, LMHCA
Jenna Evans, MA, LMHCA Think Elite Sports Counseling
Think Elite Sports Counseling is a safe place for student-athletes and professional athletes to receive help specific to their sport performance. As an elite athlete at a very young age, I understand mental barriers that can hinder performing at your best. We all understand the physical necessity to get “bigger, faster, stronger,” but what about the mental need? We often put our mental well-being on the back burner and do our best to push through. 
If this is you, I can help!  
You will walk away with a better understanding of how your emotions affect you and pliable skills to help regulate intense and unhelpful emotions & behavior.  You will learn ways to increase mental toughness, confidence, focus, motivation, and goal-setting, and how to keep your sport fun.
Sports Performance Group Counseling:
Group counseling sessions provide a safe place for athletes to have a community with peers who struggle with similar issues. The areas covered are psychoeducational, self-awareness, vital coping skills, and strategies to remove specific mental components as barriers in their sport and life.